business strategies |
product/service, the results in sales generated from this effort would be greatly diminished compared to the results in sales realized through focusing on a concentrated interest among an audience. The reason for this is because within an audience of people with a large range of interests only a few of the people will find interest in the product/service offered to them. Conversely, when marketing to an audience of people who all hold the same interest in the product/service being offered, every single person in your audience is much more apt to respond to the marketing efforts.
This concept can be likened to a ship at sea that is focused on a specific destination (or target.) If the ship maintains it's aim toward the specific target, the ship will effectively reach its target because of the concentrated effort. However, if the ship is aimed in a wide range of directions, the ship's target will in effect be missed and there will be a great deal of effort and energy wasted as the ship meanders here and there. Targeting a specific audience with a specific interest enables you to avoid wasted marketing efforts, time and money. And this is the true power that is found in targeted marketing.
thanks for Joe Clinton